Mit diesen Kleidungsstücken bestehst du Minnas Modetest, wenn das Thema Bühnen-Outfit ist. Farbvarianten der hier aufgeführten Kleidung funktionieren ebenfalls.
→ Siehe auch Bühnenkleidung im durchsuchbaren Katalog
Oberteile | |
Adelsrobe Noble coat |
Bandeau-Top Tube top |
Bastelumhang Handmade cape |
Bikerjacke Biker jacket |
Business-Jackett Business suitcoat |
Cutaway Morning coat |
Design-Pulli Retro sweater |
DJ-K.K.-Logo-Shirt DJ KK logo tee |
Edelmann-Hemd Cavalier shirt |
Festivalshirt Music-fest shirt |
FHA-Hemd Paradise Planning event tee |
Frack Tailcoat |
Galaxien-Parka Space parka |
Happi-Jacke Happi tee |
Hippie-Tunika Groovy tunic |
Imponierblazer Flashy jacket |
Kiltjackett Doublet |
Komikerjacke Comedian's outfit |
Königswams Royal shirt |
Kriegerrüstung Warrior armor |
Piratenmantel Sea captain's coat |
Prinzenhemd Young-royal shirt |
Pythonmusterjacke Python-print jacket |
Rapperjacke Old-school jacket |
Räuberkostüm Thief's costume |
Rosenmusterjacke Rose-print jacket |
Samthea-Jerseyhemd Labelle knit shirt |
Samthea-Mantel Labelle coat |
Samurairüstung Samurai shirt |
Smokingjackett Tuxedo jacket |
Streifenweste mit Hemd Shirt with striped vest |
Tänzerjacke Dance-team jacket |
Tomatenfest-Shirt Tomato Festival tee |
Vampirkostüm Vampire costume |
Western-Hemd Western shirt |
Unterteile | |
Adelshose Noble pants |
Imponierhose Flashy slacks |
Kettenhose Chain pants |
Komikerhose Comedian's pants |
Kunstlederhose Pleather pants |
Kunstleder-Shorts Pleather shorts |
Pailletten-Shorts Spangle shorts |
Perlen-Rock Pearl skirt |
Piratenhose Pirate pants |
Punk-Hose Punk pants |
Pythonmusterhose Python-print slacks |
Rosenmusterhose Rose-print slacks |
Rosenmusterrock Rose-print skirt |
Samthea-Rock Labelle skirt |
Samthea-Shorts Labelle shorts |
Streifen-Glockenhose Striped bell-bottoms |
Streifen-Shorts Striped shorts |
Tänzerhose Dance warm-up pants |
Tanzröckchen Petal skirt |
Volantrock Frilly skirt |
Kleider | |
80er-Businesskostüm Rad power skirt suit |
Adelskleid Noble dress |
Apfelkleid Apple dress |
Astro-Kleid Astro dress |
Ballett-Trägerkleid Ballet outfit |
Bären-Outfit Bear costume |
Bingata-Kleid Bingata dress |
Birnenkleid Pear dress |
Brautkleid Wedding dress |
Bühnen-Outfit Star costume |
Cheerleader-Uniform Cheerleading uniform |
Cocktailkleid Bubble-skirt party dress |
Cyber-Anzug Cyber suit |
Disko-Outfit Stellar jumpsuit |
Eiskunstlaufkleid Figure-skating dress |
Eiskunstlauf-Outfit Figure-skating costume |
Engelskleid Sweet dress |
Erdbeerkleid Strawberry dress |
Erd-Glücksei-Outfit Earth-egg outfit |
Fantasiekleid Dreamy dress |
Feenkleid Fairy dress |
Fels-Glücksei-Outfit Stone-egg outfit |
Flapper-Kleid Flapper dress |
Froschkostüm Frog costume |
Galakleid Full-length dress with pearls |
Glücksei-Abendkleid Egg party dress |
Heldinnenkleid Noble zap suit |
Hikoboshi-Outfit Hikoboshi outfit |
Hochzeits-Smoking Wedding tuxedo |
Hofkimono Junihitoe kimono |
Holz-Glücksei-Outfit Wood-egg outfit |
Hotdogkostüm Hot-dog costume |
Kabuki-Yukata Kabuki-actor yukata |
Kaisertoga Toga |
Karnevalskleid Festivale tank dress |
Karnevalstracht Festivale costume |
Katzenkleid Cat dress |
Kirschkleid Cherry dress |
Kiwikleid Kiwi dress |
Kleeblatt-Outfit Shamrock suit |
Koboldkostüm Impish costume |
Kohada-Sushi-Kostüm Gizzard-shad-sushi costume |
Königinnenkleid Fashionable royal dress |
Kükenkostüm Baby-chick costume |
Laub-Glücksei-Outfit Leaf-egg outfit |
Lebhaft-Smoking Vibrant tuxedo |
Luft-Glücksei-Outfit Sky-egg outfit |
Magdkleid Maid dress |
Maguro-Sushi-Kostüm Tuna-sushi costume |
Märchenkleid Fairy-tale dress |
Mariachi-Outfit Mariachi clothing |
Muschelkleid Shell dress |
Muskelanzug Instant-muscles suit |
Narren-Outfit Jester costume |
Neoprenanzug Full-body tights |
Niedlich-Kleid Lace-up dress |
Ninjakostüm Ninja costume |
Nixen-Fischkleid Mermaid fishy dress |
Nixen-Prinzessinnenkleid Mermaid princess dress |
Nook-Inc.-Turnanzug Nook Inc. leotard |
Orangenkleid Orange dress |
Orihime-Outfit Orihime outfit |
Paillettenkleid Sequin dress |
Peach-Kleid Princess Peach dress |
Pfirsichkleid Peach dress |
Piratenkleid Pirate dress |
Piraten-Outfit Pirate outfit |
Piratenschatzgewand Pirate-treasure robe |
Pompös-Outfit Suit of lights |
Power-Anzug Power suit |
Prunkkimono Flashy kimono |
Punk-Overall Tight punk outfit |
Püppchenkleid Dollhouse dress |
Renaissance-Kleid Renaissance dress |
Rentierkostüm Reindeer costume |
Rumbakleid Rumba dress |
Rumbakostüm Rumba costume |
Samthea-Kleid Labelle dress |
Satin-Abendkleid Slip dress |
Satinkleid Satin dress |
Schafkostüm Sheep costume |
Señorita-Kleid Victorian dress |
Smokingkleid Chic tuxedo dress |
Steampunk-Kleid Steampunk dress |
Steampunk-Outfit Steampunk costume |
Superheldenkostüm Zap suit |
Superheldenuniform Superhero uniform |
Tamago-Sushi-Kostüm Egg-sushi costume |
Tangokleid Tango dress |
Toga Chiton |
Traubenkleid Grape dress |
Visual-Kei-Kleid Visual-punk dress |
Visual-Kei-Outfit Visual-punk outfit |
Wasser-Glücksei-Outfit Water-egg outfit |
Wrestling-Outfit Wrestler uniform |
Zauberkleid Magical dress |
Kopfbedeckungen | |
1001-Nacht-Schleier Veil |
Abschlussball-Diadem Prom tiara |
Abschlussball-Krone Prom crown |
Ananashut Pineapple cap |
Apfelhut Apple hat |
Ballonhut Balloon hat |
Bärenmütze Bear cap |
Bastelkrone Handmade crown |
Birnenhut Pear hat |
Blumenspange Flashy hairpin |
Brautschleier Bridal veil |
Cinnamoroll-Hut Cinnamoroll hat |
Diadem Tiara |
Diadem-Perücke Tiara hair |
Doppel-Dutt Bun wig |
Edelmann-Hut Cavalier hat |
Eischalen-Hut Eggshell |
Erdbeerhut Strawberry hat |
Erd-Eierschale Earth-egg shell |
Fels-Eierschale Stone-egg shell |
Froschmütze Frog cap |
Fuchsmaske Fox mask |
Geishaperücke Geisha wig |
Glücksei-Partyhut Egg party hat |
Gothic-Kopfputz Gothic headdress |
Greisenmaske Elder mask |
Großmutterperücke Matronly bun |
Häschentag-Krone Bunny Day crown |
Hasenohren-Haarreif Bunny ears |
Hello-Kitty-Hut Hello Kitty hat |
Holz-Eierschale Wood-egg shell |
Hotdog-Kapuze Hot-dog hood |
Irokesenperücke Mohawk wig |
Kabuki-Hut Stagehand hat |
Käpten-Mütze Kappa cap |
Karnevalsschmuck Festivale accessory |
Katzenmütze Cat cap |
Keroppi-Spangen-Set Kerokerokeroppi pin |
Kirschhut Cherry hat |
Kiwihut Kiwi hat |
Kleehut Shamrock hat |
Kobold-Mütze Imp hood |
Komponistenperücke Composer's wig |
Königinnenkrone Crown |
Königskrone Royal crown |
Kuhschädelhelm Imitation cow skull |
Laub-Eierschale Leaf-egg shell |
Leuchtblumenkranz Light-up flower crown |
Leuchtblumenreif Flower bopper |
Leuchtherzchenreif Heart bopper |
Leuchtkugelreif Bulb bopper |
Leuchtsternreif Star bopper |
Lichtkranz Halo |
Luft-Eierschale Sky-egg shell |
Märchenkapuze Fairy-tale hood |
Melonenhut Watermelon hat |
Mini-Partyhut Tiny party cap |
Mini-Seidenhut Small silk hat |
Mumienmaske Mummy mask |
Münzen-Stirnband Coin headpiece |
My-Melody-Kapuze My Melody hood |
Narrenkappe Jester's cap |
Neujahrshut New Year's hat |
Neujahrszylinder New Year's silk hat |
Nixen-Diadem Mermaid tiara |
No-Maske Noh mask |
Orangenhut Orange hat |
Papierhut Newsprint helmet |
Peach-Krone Princess Peach crown |
Pfirsichhut Peach hat |
Pharaomaske King Tut mask |
Phryger-Mütze Phrygian cap |
Piratenhut Pirate's hat |
Piratenkopftuch Pirate bandanna |
Piratenschatzkrone Pirate-treasure crown |
Pompompurin-Hut Pompompurin hat |
Power-Helm Power helmet |
Punk-Perücke Punk hair wig |
Rentiermütze Reindeer hat |
Riesenschleifchen Giant ribbon |
Samthea-Hut Labelle hat |
Samthea-Mütze Labelle cap |
Samuraihelm Samurai helmet |
Samuraiperücke Samurai wig |
Schafkapuze Sheep hood |
Schleifchen Ribbon |
Schmalztollenperücke Pompadour wig |
Schmuckhut Elegant hat |
Schneemannhut Snowperson head |
Skelettkapuze Skeleton hood |
Softeis-Hut Soft-serve hat |
Sombrero Sombrero |
Steampunkhut Steampunk hat |
Sternenkapuze Star head |
Superheldenhelm Zap helmet |
Traubenhut Grape hat |
Visual-Kei-Perücke Visual-punk wig |
Wasser-Eierschale Water-egg shell |
Wrestlingmaske Wrestling mask |
Zylinder Top hat |
Accessoires | |
Ballmaske Masquerade mask |
Calavera-Maske Candy-skull mask |
Clownsmaske Jester's mask |
Clownsnase Fake nose |
Cyberbrille Cyber shades |
Elegantmaske Elegant masquerade mask |
Hasenschnauze Bunny nose |
Hundeschnauze Dog nose |
Karneval-in-Venedig-Maske Venetian carnival mask |
Katzenschnauze Cat nose |
Kleeblattsonnenbrille Shamrock sunglasses |
Lamellenbrille Ladder shades |
Maskenballmaske Ballroom mask |
Neonbrille Neon shades |
Piratenaugenklappe Pirate eye patch |
Piratenbart Pirate beard |
Rundbart Rounded beard |
Samthea-Sonnenbrille Labelle sunglasses |
Scherzbrille Funny glasses |
Schnabel Beak |
Schnauzerbrille Stache & glasses |
Schweinsnase Pig nose |
Steampunkbrille Steampunk glasses |
Strassbrille Rhinestone shades |
Superheldenmaske Superhero mask |
Ziegenbart Goatee |
Zwirbelbart Handlebar mustache |
Socken | |
Blümchenstrumpfhose Flowery-dot tights |
Einfarb-Leggings Vivid leggings |
Einfarb-Strumpfhose Vivid tights |
Löcher-Strumpfhose Holey tights |
Modestrumpfhose Fishnet tights |
Neon-Leggings Neon leggings |
Neon-Strumpfhose Neon tights |
Paar Einfarb-Socken Vivid socks |
Paar Musterstrümpfe Patterned stockings |
Paar Rüschenkniestrümpfe Frilly knee-high socks |
Paar Samthea-Socken Labelle socks |
Paar Strumpfbandstrümpfe Garter socks |
Paillettenleggings Sequin leggings |
Samthea-Strumpfhose Labelle tights |
Spinnennetz-Strumpfhose Spider-web tights |
Streifenstrumpfhose Striped tights |
Schuhe | |
Paar Arbeitsstiefel Work boots |
Paar Ballettschuhe Ballet slippers |
Paar Cowboystiefel Cowboy boots |
Paar Derbyschuhe Wingtip shoes |
Paar Erd-Ei-Schuhe Earth-egg shoes |
Paar Fels-Ei-Schuhe Stone-egg shoes |
Paar Hochzeits-Pumps Wedding pumps |
Paar Hochzeitsschuhe Wedding shoes |
Paar Holz-Ei-Schuhe Wood-egg shoes |
Paar Kimono-Sandalen Kimono sandals |
Paar Kleeblattschuhe Shamrock shoes |
Paar Kunstfellstiefeletten Faux-fur ankle booties |
Paar Laub-Ei-Schuhe Leaf-egg shoes |
Paar Leopardenschuhe Leopard pumps |
Paar Luft-Ei-Schuhe Sky-egg shoes |
Paar Narrenschuhe Jester's shoes |
Paar Nixenschuhe Mermaid shoes |
Paar Peach-Pumps Princess Peach shoes |
Paar Pfoten Paw slippers |
Paar Pikes Winklepickers |
Paar Piratenstiefel Pirate boots |
Paar Power-Stiefel Power boots |
Paar Prinzessinnenschuhe Shiny bow platform shoes |
Paar Riemchenpumps Strappy heels |
Paar Samthea-Pumps Labelle pumps |
Paar Samthea-Sneaker Labelle sneakers |
Paar Samuraistiefel Samurai greaves |
Paar Schnürstiefel Lace-up boots |
Paar Spitz-Stiefelchen Mage's booties |
Paar Superheldenstiefel Zap boots |
Paar Tanzschuhe Dance shoes |
Paar Vinyl-Pumps Vinyl round-toed pumps |
Paar Visual-Kei-Stiefel Visual-punk boots |
Paar Wasser-Ei-Schuhe Water-egg shoes |
Taschen | |
Abschlussball-Schärpe Prom sash |
Häschentag-Rucksack Bunny Day bag |
Instrumentenkoffer Instrument case |
Schmetterlingsrucksack Butterfly backpack |
Umhängeschwert Sword in scabbard |